
What an NEC Phone Systems Expert Can Do for Your Business

What an NEC Phone Systems Expert Can Do for Your Business

Gaynor Telesystems has been an NEC telephone system dealer/integrator for 40 years! NEC manufactures a very cost effective, user friendly, and feature rich unified communication systems that will streamline many business communications within your office. First let’s look at some of the common business communication examples and how a new NEC unified communications system can solve them.

Business VoIP and the Small Business: A Winning Combination

Business VoIP and the Small Business: A Winning Combination

Business VoIP was made for the small business. Some might call business VoIP a hosted or cloud solution. That’s what we are talking about - using the cloud for your small business. Laying out a capital expense can be hard for a small business. You do not always have the cash to plunk down for an office phone system. That is when hosted is your answer. There is no need for a large capital outlay; in fact you pay just a monthly fee. So let’s learn more about why business VoIP for small business is a winning combination.

Tips to Help Your Small Business Phone System Handle Summer

Tips to Help Your Small Business Phone System Handle Summer

Summer is about beach playing, watermelon, vacations, and heat. As a small business owner, you may wonder if you can take time off while still getting calls answered and having your office run efficiently. Your small business phone system may be a few years old and you don't have a maintenance support plan. Our goal is to make sure bosses and employees enjoy the summer, instead of calling us in a panic about phone system related issues. Here are some tips so you can enjoy the rest of your summer.

4 Things to Compare When Buying New Office Phone Systems

4 Things to Compare When Buying New Office Phone Systems

Here you are sitting at your desk with a few office phone system proposals staring back at you. You have done all the leg work that brought you to this stage: Decision Making Time. When you are facing a purchasing decision (one that you will need to live with for at least 5 years and that will take a sizeable chunk of your capital budget) if you are like me the first thing you do is start a list. Now you have a nice blank piece of paper with a tidy heading of New Office Phone Systems. Feeling better already I bet! 

3 Big Factors to Consider When Choosing New Office Phone Systems

3 Big Factors to Consider When Choosing New Office Phone Systems

If you’re in the market for new office phone systems, there are some important things to keep in mind as you go through the research and evaluation process. We’re going to highlight three big ones as a kind of kick start to push you in the right direction so you can be sure you’re asking the right questions. Every company is different, so remember to think about what’s best for your specific company and staff.

What Your Sales Team Will Love About New Office Phone Systems

What Your Sales Team Will Love About New Office Phone Systems

For most businesses, without a good sales team there would be no business. A good sales staff is always improving their skills and abilities to convert a new customer or get that referral. Sometimes the sales staff is hard to pin down for formal training. When you get new office phone systems, training your sales staff may be a new challenge. But remember, salespeople like challenges.

How Business VoIP & Unified Communications Bring Your Workers Together

How Business VoIP & Unified Communications Bring Your Workers Together

Each day there are more and more articles and information about business VoIP and how you can get the most out of your business phone service, teaching how the next generation expects to work and what is really needed to have efficiency in the office. Gaynor Telesystems, Inc. proudly offers the ShoreTel solution as an option for Unified Communication and business VoIP.

Don't Frighten Away Customers With These Automated Attendant Mistakes

Don't Frighten Away Customers With These Automated Attendant Mistakes

Consumers have come to expect an automated attendant when calling a business. Done well, an auto attendant can lighten your call load, expedite customer service, and provide a fast and efficient experience. No more holding and waiting, no more runaround. But when done wrong, it may frighten away your callers.