Automated Phone Systems

Don't Frighten Away Customers With These Automated Attendant Mistakes

Don't Frighten Away Customers With These Automated Attendant Mistakes

Consumers have come to expect an automated attendant when calling a business. Done well, an auto attendant can lighten your call load, expedite customer service, and provide a fast and efficient experience. No more holding and waiting, no more runaround. But when done wrong, it may frighten away your callers.

Key Points to Teach Staff When Setting Up an Automated Attendant

Key Points to Teach Staff When Setting Up an Automated Attendant

Training has become a critical component of staff development. It is not uncommon in the work place for changes to require additional training. Whether you have an older phone system with voicemail or are getting a new system, adding an auto attendant will increase the need for staff training. Your reasons for an automated attendant can vary from needing less staff to answer the calls, to wanting a consistent message when each person calls in, or even that you are growing and want the calls to be answered in a timely fashion.