Phone System Research

3 Big Factors to Consider When Choosing New Office Phone Systems

3 Big Factors to Consider When Choosing New Office Phone Systems

If you’re in the market for new office phone systems, there are some important things to keep in mind as you go through the research and evaluation process. We’re going to highlight three big ones as a kind of kick start to push you in the right direction so you can be sure you’re asking the right questions. Every company is different, so remember to think about what’s best for your specific company and staff.

What Your Sales Team Will Love About New Office Phone Systems

What Your Sales Team Will Love About New Office Phone Systems

For most businesses, without a good sales team there would be no business. A good sales staff is always improving their skills and abilities to convert a new customer or get that referral. Sometimes the sales staff is hard to pin down for formal training. When you get new office phone systems, training your sales staff may be a new challenge. But remember, salespeople like challenges.

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

The end of year was good to you and this quarter is going even better. That long list of upgrades for your technology is becoming a reality. You sat down and prioritized what you need the most to grow your business. The next logical step for a major purchase is a new business VoIP system. You are not sure if you have the budget for it. Let’s look at the major pricing items that affect a capital purchase like this.

Worst Reasons to Buy New Office Phone Systems

Worst Reasons to Buy New Office Phone Systems

If you're moving from your office or starting a new business, now is a prime time to buy an office phone system. Still sometimes though there is no good reason to buy an office phone system. Let’s face it, buying a new phone system will cost you time, money, and a small headache as you try and help your staff adjust and explain to your CPA what you just bought. So if you are trying to justify NOT buying, let me help you out.

Key Components to Consider Before Buying New Office Phone Systems

Key Components to Consider Before Buying New Office Phone Systems

There are many reasons why you might be considering new office phone systems. Your old system is slow and inefficient. Your business is growing and your receptionist is overloaded trying to keep up with calls. Your employees are out in the field more often and are missing important calls. Just to name a few big ones. There are also many, many, things to think about when you decide it’s time for new office phones systems at your business. But before you decide on the features you want and have to choose the features you actually need, pause for a few moments and consider these key components.