Business VoIP

Business VoIP and the Small Business: A Winning Combination

Business VoIP and the Small Business: A Winning Combination

Business VoIP was made for the small business. Some might call business VoIP a hosted or cloud solution. That’s what we are talking about - using the cloud for your small business. Laying out a capital expense can be hard for a small business. You do not always have the cash to plunk down for an office phone system. That is when hosted is your answer. There is no need for a large capital outlay; in fact you pay just a monthly fee. So let’s learn more about why business VoIP for small business is a winning combination.

How Business VoIP & Unified Communications Bring Your Workers Together

How Business VoIP & Unified Communications Bring Your Workers Together

Each day there are more and more articles and information about business VoIP and how you can get the most out of your business phone service, teaching how the next generation expects to work and what is really needed to have efficiency in the office. Gaynor Telesystems, Inc. proudly offers the ShoreTel solution as an option for Unified Communication and business VoIP.

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

The end of year was good to you and this quarter is going even better. That long list of upgrades for your technology is becoming a reality. You sat down and prioritized what you need the most to grow your business. The next logical step for a major purchase is a new business VoIP system. You are not sure if you have the budget for it. Let’s look at the major pricing items that affect a capital purchase like this.

What’s the Difference Between a Hosted Solution and Business VoIP?

What’s the Difference Between a Hosted Solution and Business VoIP?

In the world of telecom words have different meanings. At Gaynor Telesystems we understand we talk a funny language, and we are here to help you navigate the differences and choose the right solutions for you and your company. When it comes to a hosted solution and business VoIP you may be talking apples to apples or you may be talking watermelon to kiwi. So let’s discuss hosted and business VoIP.

7 Cool Features Your ShoreTel Business VoIP Phone System Provides

7 Cool Features Your ShoreTel Business VoIP Phone System Provides

Being the leader in the Industry, ShoreTel offers a Business VoIP solution for small to large businesses.

You commonly hear a phone is a phone is a phone. That is true. Your basic office phone system functions will be available on each system. The difference is how you use them. The basic ShoreTel Business VoIP solution provides not only these basics, but some pretty nifty enhancements: